Immagine del profilo di Licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Sean Thornton

Manager, Global Accounts


Telefono: 269-449-0257

1381 3 Mile Rd N

Traverse City, MI 49696


Sean Thornton joined HelmsBriscoe in late 2011. Prior to working with HB, Sean most recently came from the sales office of Grand Hotel Mackinac Island Michigan, which was preceded by a brief stint in higher education as an Assistant Director of Admission and Marketing Coordinator for the private institute of Albion College. He earned an honors B.A. in economics and management from Albion and serves on the Alumni Board of Directors.

Sean brings his financial knowledge and foresight, along with a precise attention to detail, to his clients and their needs. As everything he does is accompanied with genuine care, he thrives on building long-lasting relationships. Sean is looking forward to a bright future with HB.

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