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Stacey Purcell

Director, Global Accounts


Telefono: 702.401.3312

9233 Evergreen Canyon Drive

Las Vegas, NV 89134


Stacey Purcell joined HelmsBriscoe as Director, Global Accounts in March of 2024, and she is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. Stacey’s primary role is to serve her customers with integrity and excellence while identifying venues and solutions to accomplish their meeting objectives. She advocates on behalf of her clients, providing a great experience and making it easier to achieve their goals.

Stacey is a graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she received her B.S. in Hotel Administration in 1990. Upon graduation, she took a position with Caesars Entertainment, where she spent 32 years working in numerous roles at nine Las Vegas properties. Stacey is President-Elect for the Las Vegas Hospitality Association Foundation, Former President of the UNLV Alumni Association, and a UNLV Hospitality Mentor for over 25 years. She was recently awarded UNLV Mentor of the Year.

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