Profile Image Un licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Saralene Oldham

Director, Global Accounts


Telefono: 239-643-4703

2760 Longboat Drive

Naples, FL 34104


Saralene began her career in the industry after her children were grown. She is the mother of three - Renee (Naples), Michelle (Atlanta area), and Reginald (NYC). Her hospitality adventure started when she moved to Naples and joined Bill Briscoe, Director of Sales and Marketing at the then Registry Resort, Naples (now Naples Grande) in October, 1987.

Five years later Saralene joined Bill when he opened the second HelmsBriscoe office in Naples. As the Operations Director for the Florida offices and working with clients of her own, she continues to be amazed at the growth of our company over the years. She feels very blessed to be associated with HelmsBriscoe and the wonderful people that make it the great success it is.

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