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Ronnee Levin

Manager, Global Accounts


Telefono: 480-234-1797

Scottsdale, AZ 85254


Based out of Scottsdale, Arizona, Ronnee joined HelmsBriscoe in 2013 as part of the Corporate & Leadership team and is now managing her own portfolio of corporate and association accounts. With a diverse background in meeting planning, hotel sales and executive sales support, Ronnee best represents the needs of her Clients with an attention to detail like none other. Her responsiveness and instinctive resourcefulness adds tremendous time saving value and expertise to her Clients’ hotel selection process.

Ronnee began her career in hospitality at a young age. With a passion for food & travel she continued to gain a deeper understanding of the industry while pursuing an undergraduate degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management from Northern Arizona University. Ronnee brings more than 10 years of experience in hotels and meeting planning, most recently with Fairmont Hotels & Resorts.

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