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Reade Bailey

Manager, Global Accounts


Telefono: 612-867-1552

Eden Prairie, MN 55344


Reade Bailey joined HelmsBriscoe as Manager, Global Accounts and is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Reade works with clients across North America and has successfully teamed with his wife, Karen Bailey, an HB Associate Regional Vice President, since joining in 2022. He works with several Fortune 500 companies and trade associations on a variety of programs, including citywide events, incentive trips, sales meetings, and board meetings. He also earned the HB President’s Club award in 2023 as a top producer.

Before joining HelmsBriscoe, Reade had careers in journalism and marketing communications. He was an editor with SKI Magazine, where he traveled to more than 100 ski resorts in North America writing ski area, restaurant, and hotel reviews. Reade also ran his own virtual marketing and communications agency, where he helped corporate and association clients across the United States reach their strategic goals. The skills and experiences he gained in these roles help him with the hotel sourcing and contract negotiation he now does for his HelmsBriscoe clients, and he continues to travel extensively domestically and internationally to stay current with industry trends. Annually, he attends IMEX Las Vegas and IBTM World to increase his product knowledge.

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