Immagine del profilo di Licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Peter Winters

Senior Director, Global Accounts


Telefono: 520-572-4026

7990 N. Iron Ridge Drive

Tucson, AZ 85743


Peter Winters joined HelmsBriscoe in 2008 with more than 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry. Based out of Tucson, Arizona, Peter has been recognized as part of HelmsBriscoe’s President’s Club since 2010, and the prestigious Master’s Club since 2014. Beginning in operations, Peter expanded his hotel experience by eventually becoming Director of Sales for Marriott and Renaissance Hotels.

Peter is a graduate of the University of Arizona in Tucson. While continuing to enjoy a great balance between his best career move and his family, Peter works to stay up-to-date on industry trends, as well as maximize his experience, to get his clients the best possible value. Peter’s attention to detail and professionalism are valuable qualities that have allowed him to grow a strong corporate and association clientele base over the last decade.

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