Immagine del profilo di Licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Nicole Riley

Manager, Global Accounts


Telefono: 941-504-8187

4425 Meadow Creek Circle

Sarasota, FL 34233


Nicole Riley joined HelmsBriscoe in March 2008. Prior to that, she was Marketing Director for a corporate event photography company that worked specifically with meeting planners looking for unique photographic gifts for their attendees on incentive trips and corporate business meetings.

Nicole brings value to site selection and contract negotiation by her ability to multi-task, her attention to detail, her strong communication and interpersonal skills and her desire to provide clients with successful events.

Nicole has a Bachelor’s Degree from The State University of New York at Buffalo in International Business and Marketing and a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Management from University of South Florida and is married with three children.

Richiedi assistenza per una riunione a Nicole

Se hai bisogno di assistenza per la selezione della sede ospitante per un meeting o un evento imminente, contattami compilando il seguente Modulo rapido di richiesta meeting o scaricando e inviando per e-mail il Modulo dettagliato di richiesta meeting. Sarò felice di lavorare con te!

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