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Karen Duff

Director, Global Accounts


Telefono: 502-291-2559

5500 Killinur Drive

Prospect, KY 40059


Karen Duff brings years of experience in the corporate conference planning industry to HelmsBriscoe. She has organized and managed numerous national and regional meetings, conferences, and special events, and is experienced in venue site research and selection, vendor relations, contract negotiations, and meeting logistics. Karen most recently worked for a Fortune 100 company for eight years where she helped managed the company’s national conferences.

By combining her years of experience with HelmsBriscoe's proprietary tools developed over the last two decades, Karen is an invaluable resource to clients when planning meetings and events. Let her put a worldwide network of over 1,200 HelmsBriscoe associates, unmatched global buying power, adherence to industry best practices, and longstanding industry partnerships to work for you. All with a level of personal attention and service that makes every client, from small companies to large associations, realize their business is both valued and earned.

Richiedi assistenza per una riunione a Karen

Se hai bisogno di assistenza per la selezione della sede ospitante per un meeting o un evento imminente, contattami compilando il seguente Modulo rapido di richiesta meeting o scaricando e inviando per e-mail il Modulo dettagliato di richiesta meeting. Sarò felice di lavorare con te!

Informazioni sul richiedente

Informazioni sull'organizzazione e sull'evento