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Femke Millership

Senior Director, Global Accounts


Telefono: +44 (0) 7974938360

23 Field Gate Close, St Neots

Cambridgeshire, PE196DG


Femke Millership joined HelmsBriscoe in 2014 with more than 10 years of hospitality experience. Since joining, she has established a solid reputation built on her passionate and diligent approach. Femke has a strong focus on client relations, offering a distinctly personal service to ensure she delivers each client’s exact requirements. Femke has a diverse client base, working closely with corporate companies, societies, and associations from many different industries, and she puts the same enthusiasm into a small team meeting for 25 people as she does into meetings for 1,000 or more attendees. Femke has also become an expert at working on large city-wide events across the globe, and has earned valuable insight of venue pricing and negotiation strategies from working in event departments for several major hotel chains.

Femke grew up mainly in the Netherlands, but also enjoyed living in a number of different countries before settling in the UK. She speaks fluent English and Dutch and has a very good knowledge of the German language. Her international venue finding experience, combined with her passion for the industry, has given Femke an understanding of different cultures, having successfully worked with clients, colleagues, and venues from all over the world.

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