Immagine del profilo di Licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Donna Tyree

Director, Global Accounts


Telefono: 303.667.6696

625 San Juan Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80904


Donna Tyree (formerly Orr) is a seasoned event and marketing professional, and has expertise in event management, site surveys, and public relations. Prior to her years with HelmsBriscoe, Donna worked for The Walt Disney Company, selling and coordinating event marketing opportunities with Radio Disney. She was one of the top sellers in the country, and was known for her fine client service and attention to detail. Prior to that, she worked in media sales for Fox Television, UPN, and the WB. She also worked for six years as a marketing and PR manager for the movie industry, mainly Disney Pictures, but also for MGM, NewLine, FineLine, and other movie studios.

Donna prides herself on her communication skills and attention to detail when servicing her clients. Many of her clients are long-term partners, and together with Donna, they have developed bigger and more successful events. Donna looks forward to doing the same for your company!

Richiedi assistenza per una riunione a Donna

Se hai bisogno di assistenza per la selezione della sede ospitante per un meeting o un evento imminente, contattami compilando il seguente Modulo rapido di richiesta meeting o scaricando e inviando per e-mail il Modulo dettagliato di richiesta meeting. Sarò felice di lavorare con te!

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Informazioni sull'organizzazione e sull'evento