Profile Image Un licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Denisa Svatkova

Associate Regional Vice President


Telefono: +420 776679665

Vsehrdova 21

Prague, 11800

Czech Republic

Denisa Svatkova joined HelmsBriscoe in 2019, and is based out of Prague, Czech Republic. Prior to joining HelmsBriscoe, Denisa was a Supplier Chain Manager with a large Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) in Prague. During this time, she gained a broad understanding of the venues and hotels, both in Prague and other European destinations. A large part of her role also consisted of setting up contractual terms and mediating proper collaboration. Denisa’s goal is to deliver the best service for her clients, while securing the optimal business conditions with suppliers and partners.

With years of industry experience, as well as decades working in hospitality, she understands both the needs of her clients and the expectations of partners. She is here to make the collaboration smooth and easy for everyone, and looks forward to helping her clients find the ideal venues for their meetings and events.

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