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Donna Ruekert

Manager, Global Accounts


Telefono: 612-272-5227

3130 Shores Blvd

Wayzata, MN 55391


Donna Ruekert joined HelmsBriscoe as Global Accounts Manager in 2014. Based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Donna brings enthusiasm and professionalism when working with her HelmsBriscoe clients. She has strong organizational skills and a keen eye for detail. Donna has been involved in many volunteer roles related to special events planning, including her current role with the ICA Food Shelf’s special events committee.

Donna’s degree in Public Relations was the stepping stone to becoming an honest communicator in all aspects of her professional and personal life. It is her goal to always keep her clients informed and aware of trends, opportunities, changes and challenges in the industry as it relates to their programs. Donna’s other personal interests include reading, writing, cycling, tennis, travel and volunteering for the food shelf and the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

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