Immagine del profilo di Licenziatario indipendente di HelmsBriscoe

Charles Eijck

Global Venue Finder


Telefono: +31648889943

Oude Maasstraat 57

Maastricht, 6229BC


Charles Eijck joined HelmsBriscoe as Global Venue Finder in 2021 and is based out of Maastricht, Netherlands, a city with rich history and centrally located in the EU region. He helps his clients in finding and contracting the perfect venues for their meetings, incentives, conferences and events. Charles enjoys building strong relationships with both clients and partners. He believes listening to and caring about the values and needs of both parties is key to success.

With more than five years of experience in the travel and hospitality industry, Charles has fulfilled multiple roles for various companies around the world. His experience has given him a view of the industry from different perspectives, and clients and colleagues value him for his patience, humor and reliability.

Richiedi assistenza per una riunione a Charles

Se hai bisogno di assistenza per la selezione della sede ospitante per un meeting o un evento imminente, contattami compilando il seguente Modulo rapido di richiesta meeting o scaricando e inviando per e-mail il Modulo dettagliato di richiesta meeting. Sarò felice di lavorare con te!

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