Senior Director, Global Accounts
Telefono: 410-643-9766
1347 Queen Anne Drive
Chester, MD 21619
Beth brings over 30 years of Global Hospitality Experience to HelmsBriscoe including national sales and leadership positions with Starwood, Hilton and Omni. Before joining HelmsBriscoe in 2009 she led the Hotel, Resort and Destination Representation efforts of the David Green Organization in Washington, DC.
Beth’s educational background (a foods degree from Michigan State University), industry knowledge, expertise and professionalism combined with her dedication to her military, government, association and corporate clients have created longstanding successful business relationships with loyal clients as well as her hotel and destination partners.
Her extensive knowledge of sales and marketing, hotel management, finance and law make her well suited to negotiate all aspects of contracts on behalf of her clients. Her depth of knowledge makes her a capable asset to any site selection process and a formidable client advocate throughout the actual execution of the meeting itself.
Through her hard work and with the support of her loyal clients Beth has consecutively earned her place in HelmsBriscoe’s respected President’s Club.